
Laurent Haute Couture collections

Presented at colette 4 Preview next March 11, this collector box combines all of Yves Saint Laurent Haute Couture collections through sketches of archive. The robe Mondrian created in 1965 through 40 collection that fit scandal in 1971, the collection de1976 Russian or is still in 1988, the tribute to Vincent Van Gogh, no collection are missing. Published by the Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent and the Editions de La Martinière, this unique book brings together 40 years of creation in four boxes. 81 Of Yves Saint Laurent Haute Couture collections are represented through reproductions of his original work spreads. Each is accompanied by a sample of tissue in which clothing has been achieved and is also a description giving the name of sewing workshop who carried out the part of the dummy the having worn accompanied and the order of the passage in the parade. This bible fashion, weighing more than 26 kilograms in total lists over 15,000 clothing. A beautiful opportunity to relive the best moments of the career of the master.

This new book is available serially numbered and limited to 500 copies at the subscription price for 1700 EUR editions of Lamartinière, 2 rue Christine Paris 65ème to March 3, and 2100 euros off subscription.

