
An administrator of the Ministry of industry

· Strengthen shareholder State. The State wishes to be represented directly in companies it is a shareholder. An administrator of the Ministry of industry or sector concerned will be named systematically, close to the interests of the State (EPA) agency Administrator. This will mainly concern Renault, La Poste and France Télécom. In addition, will be organized twice yearly meetings between leaders and the Minister of guardianship to evoke the strategy.

· Assist the relocalisations. Are mobilised EUR 200 million in the form of advances repayable over three years to less than 5 companies. thousand people that will make an investment of at least EUR 5 million and 25 jobs. In total, the State hope over 400 million investment and the creation of 2,000 jobs.

· Create new sectoral funds. Objective: strengthen high potential companies in production and carriers, as is the case in the automobile or biotechnology. Co-financed and managed by the strategic investment Fund (FSI), these funds could cover transport, new technologies, agri-food, health-education, energy-environment, new materials, consumer goods and luxury, chemistry.

